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Monday, October 29, 2012

Possible Food Allergy Indicators

Aside from getting tested for food allergies did you know there is a basic simple way to narrow down what you are allergic too?  Your body is a massive and highly complex chemical processing plant, and like any high precision machine, the smallest irregularity can cause some form of reaction.  Sometimes not very pleasant.

Basically put in most cases what you crave most (food wise) is what you are most allergic to.  Now this isn't a foolproof medial test but in a lot of cases it holds true.  Asan example one of the many items i am allergic to is processed sugar.  And wouldn't you know I also have a major sweet tooth and though I avoid sugars I never stop craving sugar to an almost ridiculous level.

Something else to consider sometimes it isn't necessarily the food itself but the methodology in which the food is processed and cooked.  As an example of this would be if a food is cooked in a peanut based oil.  You might have a reaction to the oil and think it is the food that was cooked in the oil.

Aside from craving, other symptoms can include but not limited to mood swings, hives, headaches, rash, congestion, swelling, sweating, chicken pox like dots or rash, itchy skin, eyes, nose ear or throat, etc.

A lot of people who have bee or insect allergies carry Eppy Pens, food allergies can cause similar reactions that require these as well.

SPECIAL NOTE: if you are having an allergic reaction to food etc a lot of times Alka Seltzer Gold can HALT a allergic reaction. Regular Alka Seltzer will not work it has to be Gold.  Benadryl and Zertec D, Allegra D are also great at helping alleric reactions.

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